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POST /odata/AlarmInstances


In order to create a new AlarmInstance,  see the following for request and response details:

See Also

Request ‒ AlarmInstances/Post

Property Type Description Mandatory
deviceId String The unique identifier of the Device on which the AlarmInstance occurred. Y
typeCode Integer The typeCode of the event that triggered the AlarmInstance. See Defining a Device Event Manifest for more information. Y
value String The value of the Event that triggered the AlarmInstance. Y
readingDateTime DateTime The timestamp of the Event (reading) that triggered the Alarm.
readingDateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset Same as readingDateTime with a different date structure. Y
ruleId String The unique identifier of the Rule that created this AlarmInstance when its conditions were met. Y
eventName String The name of the Event that triggered the Alarm.
severity String/Enum The severity defined by the Rule:

  • Warning
  • Minor
  • Major
  • Critical
status String/Enum The status of the AlarmInstance:

  • Open
  • Closed

After an AlarmInstance is triggered by a Rule, its status is Open (0). An AlarmInstance can then be Closed (1) in the Axonize Portal or through the API.

snoozeExpirationDate DateTime Until this date has passed, the Rule does not send repeat notifications.

This initial recurrence is described in the Rule in the actions/ruleRecurrenceSettings/repeatFrequency property.

message String A free-text message describing what occurred. For example, Temperature Is Too High.
appId String A unique Application identifier that is automatically generated by Axonize. This is the identifier of the Application to which this AlarmInstance is assigned.

This identifier is automatically generated by Axonize when the Applications/Post request is used.



Example JSON AlarmInstances/Post Request

curl -X POST \ \

-H ‘Cache-Control: no-cache’ \

-H ‘Authorization: Token’ \

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘appId: 801A048A-9F23-429F-BF0D-B6D35B212345’ \

-d ‘{

“deviceId”: “5b06684c21b5bc27d4412345”,

“typeCode”: 7,

“value”: “10”,

“readingDateTime”: “2018-06-21T15:04:36.70395Z”,

“readingDateTimeOffset”: “2018-06-21T15:04:36.70395+00:00”,

“ruleId”: “5b2bb87e21b5c318fc743fd0”,

“eventName”: “Temperature”,

“severity”: “Warning”,

“status”: “Open”,

“message”: “msg_default_alarmInstance_message”,

“appId”: “1aaf017c-b987-4f53-94d6-ad9af4fd2767”


Response ‒ AlarmInstances/Post

All the same properties in the request are returned in the response. In addition, the response that is returned also contains the following properties –

Property Type Description
id String A unique identifier for this AlarmInstance that is automatically generated by Axonize.
appId String A unique Application identifier that is automatically generated by Axonize. This is the identifier of the Application to which this AlarmInstance is assigned.

This identifier is automatically generated by Axonize when the Applications/Post request is used.

createDate, createUser, updateDate,
See Common Response Properties.


Example JSON AlarmInstances/Post Response

Status 201 – Created


“@odata.context”: “$metadata#AlarmInstances/$entity“,

“deviceId”: “5b06684c21b5bc27d4439f53”,

“typeCode”: 7,

“value”: “10”,

“readingDateTime”: “2018-06-21T15:04:36.70395Z”,

“readingDateTimeOffset”: “2018-06-21T15:04:36.70395Z”,

“ruleId”: “5b2bb87e21b5c318fc743fd0”,

“eventName”: “Temperature”,

“severity”: “Warning”,

“status”: “Open”,

“snoozeExpirationDate”: null,

“message”: “Warning alarm from Doneness – Soil Humidity = 50 on value 50”,

“id”: “5b58681619ec0c1a684b96a0”,

“appId”: “801A048A-9F23-429F-BF0D-B6D35B212345”,

“createDate”: “2018-07-25T12:07:50.909888Z”,

“createUser”: null,

“updateDate”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,

“updateUser”: null
