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applicationTemplates/Get (List)

GET /odata/applicationTemplates/


Gets a list of all the Application Manifests (templates).

To get the details of a specific Application Manifest, refer to applicationTemplates/Get (Specific).

See the following for request and response details ‒

See Also

Request ‒ applicationTemplates/Get (List)

Property Type Description Mandatory
appId String A unique identifier that is automatically generated by Axonize for this Application.

This property is used to link between other entities (such as Users and Devices) and this Application.


Example JSON applicationTemplates/Get (List) Request

curl -X GET \ \

-H ‘Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*’ \

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘appId: 1aaf017c-b987-4f53-94d6-ad9afb8e4767’ \

-H ‘cache-control: no-cache’ \

Response ‒ applicationTemplates/Get (List)

For each Application Manifest (template), the response provides the properties in applicationTemplates/Post.

Example JSON applicationTemplates/Get (List) Response

Status 200 – OK


“@odata.context”: “$metadata#ApplicationTemplates/$entity”,

“name”: “Paz App”,

“id”: “5ca35040e3b0cc12109ce8a5”,

“appId”: “cbdd360a-4dee-409c-88e7-41221ad9d4a8”,

“createDate”: “2019-03-30T13:03:19.671Z”,

“createUser”: null,

“updateDate”: “2019-03-30T13:03:19.671Z”,

“updateUser”: null,

“settings”: {

“appLogo”: null,

“appDarkLogo”: null,

“cultureInfo”: null,

“timezone”: null,

“phoneCountryCode”: null,

“retention”: 15,

“format”: null,

“mapLayout”: null,

“viewMode”: null,

“featureSetId”: “5ca3503fe3b0cc12109ce8a4”,

“passwordPolicy”: null,

“mapOverlay”: null,

“defaultLocation”: null


“additionalProperties”: [


“displayName”: “msg_line_code”,

“name”: “lineCode”,

“extra”: null,

“datatype”: “Text”,

“defaultValue”: null,

“unit”: null,

“uiType”: “Undefined”,

“required”: true,

“icon”: null,

“groupName”: null,

“servicePropertyType”: null,

“allowedValueRange”: null



“displayName”: “msg_customer_number”,

“name”: “customerNumber”,

“extra”: null,

“datatype”: “Text”,

“defaultValue”: null,

“unit”: null,

“uiType”: “Undefined”,

“required”: false,

“icon”: null,

“groupName”: null,

“servicePropertyType”: null,

“allowedValueRange”: null


