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GET odata/roles/[id]/Endpoints


Returns the list of Endpoints associated with a specific Role and the Endpoints’ properties.

See the following for request and response details ‒

See Also

Request ‒ Roles/Get/[roleId]/Endpoints

Property Type Description
id String This is the unique identifier automatically assigned by Axonize when a Role is created. This id is returned in the response of the Roles/Post.

Example JSON Roles/Get /[roleId]/Endpoints Request

curl -X GET \ \

-H ‘Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*’ \

-H ‘Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9’ \

-H ‘AppId: 289a7624-c590-4b4c-b15a-7801d8902ce9’ \

-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

-H ‘cache-control: no-cache’ \

Response ‒ Roles/Get/[roleId]/Endpoints

The response that is returned contains the following properties –

Property Type Description
id String The ID of the Endpoint.
name String The name of the Endpoint.
type Boolean 0 for an API-related Endpoint.

1 for a UI-related Endpoint.

uiPermissiontype String The user interface permission type. Values are –

  • Enabled – The Endpoint is enabled in the user interface.
  • Disabled The Endpoint is disabled in the user interface.
  • Hidden – The Endpoint is hidden in the user interface.

Example JSON Roles/Get/[roleId]/Endpoints Response

Status 200 – OK


“@odata.context”: “$metadata#Collection(Axonize.Data.Repository.Sql.Endpoint)”,

“value”: [


“@odata.type”: “#Axonize.Data.Repository.Sql.Endpoint”,

“id”: “01DB80FE-00D5-4C90-A9E1-FB66EF0B3FA7”,

“name”: “odata/groups/removeDeviceFromGroup”,

“type”: 0,

“uiPermissionType”: “Enabled”,

“taskToEndpoints”: []



“@odata.type”: “#Axonize.Data.Repository.Sql.Endpoint”,

“id”: “09CBE3CF-75A7-42CB-A2D2-D6A2ABA17C4C”,

“name”: “odata/groups/put”,

“type”: 0,

“uiPermissionType”: “Enabled”,

} ]
